Well the week was full of changes for the pups. On May 23 they moved from their natal nursery (the pool), to the big nursery. This change is equivalent to moving the baby from its crib to its toddler bed. It usually makes the pups look very small, but I did a design change this time, with the kennel/crates beside each other and then just a small area under the table and towards the crates as their bedding area. The rest is paper. In theory at least, the pups should not poo or pee in their eating/resting area, so should only go on the paper. They are 80% there, but a few odd mistakes get made especially in the pee department.
Our other big development was they finally got big enough to wear their collars. These are small collars, and we hope they will still fit so we can send them home in them. Collars and blankets can be their security as they transition to their new homes. The blankets can get washed over and over, but should still have some residual smells of the litter and Mom, their safety group for their first 8 weeks of life. The collars will even smell better, cause who knows how dirty they are going to get. However, they will not fit for that long after two months, so if you are buying a new collar for your pup, the next size up is medium.
And just another small indication of how much bigger they are getting, is on May 25, I broke down and started feeding them in two pans. Still gruel, but spread out so there is room for all. As well I try to put the little and less dominant pups on one pan, so they can get their fare share, something that may not happen on the nipple especially now that Hope stands, and it is a long way up for the little ones.
Big enough for collars, makes puppy identification in pictures so easy.

Big enough to need two feeding pans.

The upscaled nursery.
